Author Archives: gabay

What to Avoid After Breast Augmentation Surgery

Many people who sign up for breast augmentation procedures in Philadelphia might assume that the recovery period is a straightforward process once the surgery is completed. In many ways, they’re right: you can usually return to work after a week and engage in low-impact exercises such as walking.

However, it would be a mistake to assume that there aren’t restrictions on what you can do. Breast augmentation surgery of any kind is still surgery, and as a result, you must limit yourself to performing only activities that are deemed safe by your doctor for proper recovery.  Continue reading

How Should You Prepare Your Diet for Surgery?

Trying to schedule a mommy makeover in the South Jersey area can be difficult. You don’t want to go to just anyone, so you’ll probably spend a lot of time researching the doctors in the area, the procedure you’re thinking about, the risks involved, and how to care for yourself afterward.

In the midst of all this, a patient can easily forget the importance of eating right. After all, it’s stressful, and as much as you’d like to devote all your time to scouring the internet, you’ve got other things in life to worry about. However, eating right comes with a host of benefits, not just in keeping weight under control, but also in making sure your recovery goes as smoothly as possible.

When planning your pre- and post-surgery meals, here are some things you should keep in mind: Continue reading

Why Do People Get Cosmetic Surgery?

Cosmetic surgery once had a reputation of being only for the super-wealthy, and it was seen as a “vanity project,” or a means of enhancing a less-than-satisfactory body. With advancements in the field, though, there’s greater accessibility to cosmetic procedures, which can enhance patients’ lives in a wide variety of ways. 

This begs the question: Why should someone consider cosmetic surgery?

Our team here at Gabay & Gottlieb has helped many people looking for tummy tucks, eye lifts, liposuction, and more in the Princeton area, and our patients all have different motivations for undergoing cosmetic procedures. A few of the most common reasons are listed below. Continue reading

Why Can’t I Lose Weight?

Carrying extra weight is no fun for anyone; it can leave you tired every day and nostalgic for the days when your pants size was just a little bit smaller. Getting rid of stubborn fat can be extremely difficult and may even cause you to consider surgical options to restore your reflection to its former svelte and youthful look.

As one of the experts in fat transfer in the Philadelphia area, the Gabay & Gottlieb team understands why you’d like to trim a few inches from your waist, and that it can be hard to do.

However, if you’re considering surgery to get rid of those stubborn pounds, here are some things to try first: Continue reading

Reasons to Consider Getting Eyelid Lifts

When people look at your face, the first things most of them notice are your eyes. Therefore, the best way to make a great impression is to ensure that nothing distracts others from their brilliance. Unfortunately, the skin and muscles around your eyes receive the most abuse from sleep deprivation, rubbing, and natural aging and weakening. These problems lead to wrinkled or drooping eyelids and brows, bags under the eyes, and puffiness that can detract from your eyes’ beauty.  Continue reading