Why Liposuction May Be the Right Choice for You

So, the holidays are finally over, and we’ve begun a new year. Are you breathing a sigh of relief or feeling kind of depressed now that Christmas music is off of the radio and people are taking down their decorations? Either way, you’re probably here because you’re wondering how to lose weight and shape your body to finally get rid of that stubborn fat. Here at Gabay & Gottlieb Cosmetic Surgery, we offer all kinds of plastic surgery for people in Philadelphia, PA, and other local areas, and we believe that liposuction may be the right choice for you. To find out if that’s true, read on to learn more about liposuction.

What is liposuction?

Liposuction is a plastic surgery treatment that helps eliminate stubborn fat and achieve a slimmer and more proportionate body. It can be used to reduce localized fat deposits in areas including abdomen and waist, hips and buttocks, thighs, upper arms, inner knee, chest area, back, cheeks, chin, and neck, and the calves and ankles. Liposuction can be performed either alone or along with other procedures like tummy tucks, breast reduction, or facelifts.

What are the advantages of liposuction?

Liposuction happens to be one of the most popular types of plastic surgery in the United States, which comes as no surprise for many reasons. It is effective, low-risk, and also has a number of advantages. The benefits of liposuction include:

  • It eliminates trouble spots – Although it’s not a weight loss procedure, it can remove fat from certain areas of your body.
  • It will help reshape your body – If you believe that you look out of shape or your body is disproportionate, liposuction will be able to help.
  • It can boost your confidence – Everyone wants to feel good about their body. When you feel good about your body, you also receive a boost in overall confidence.

Has this helped you determine whether you want to take the next step with liposuction? If not, you can ask our team at Gabay & Gottlieb Cosmetic Surgery for further advice. To learn more about whether liposuction is right for you, contact our Philadelphia cosmetic surgery team at 215-501-7565.