What You Should Know Before Choosing Breast Augmentation

If you have been considering undergoing breast augmentation surgery, it’s crucial that you arm yourself with knowledge before choosing a surgeon and making an oftentimes permanent decision regarding the look of your body. Read on to learn four of the most important things that you should know before undergoing breast augmentation:

You’ll need to take some time to recover. After your surgery, you will likely feel sore and fatigued. Patients who have undergone Philadelphia breast augmentation typically need to take about five to seven days off from work before resuming their daily routines.

You won’t need to replace them. Many women are under the impression that breast implants will need to be replaced every five or ten years. Unlike other cosmetic procedures like Botox injections or lip fillers, breast augmentation in Philadelphia will permanently change the size or shape of your breasts. The only reason you will have to replace your implants is if you are having specific problems–a rare occurrence.

You may not be an ideal candidate. If you have a family history of breast cancer, you are a smoker, or you are obese, the risk of complications during breast augmentation surgery may increase. Consult with your doctor and be sure to disclose these factors to decide if it is safe for you to undergo the procedure.

You should have realistic expectations. Experienced plastic surgeons know that drastically increasing the size of the breasts through augmentation is often unsafe and looks unnatural. You should not expect to go from an A cup to a DD cup during your first procedure. Instead, your doctor will work with you to decide on an ideal shape and size that will work with your frame and give you the look that you desire.

If you are uncomfortable with the shape and size of your breasts, the team at Gabay & Gottlieb Cosmetic Surgery may be able to help. Give us a call at 215-501-7565 to schedule a consultation and to learn more.