Category Archives: Uncategorized

Reasons to Consider Getting Eyelid Lifts

When people look at your face, the first things most of them notice are your eyes. Therefore, the best way to make a great impression is to ensure that nothing distracts others from their brilliance. Unfortunately, the skin and muscles around your eyes receive the most abuse from sleep deprivation, rubbing, and natural aging and weakening. These problems lead to wrinkled or drooping eyelids and brows, bags under the eyes, and puffiness that can detract from your eyes’ beauty.  Continue reading

How to Tell if A Mommy Makeover Could be Right for You

Pregnancy and childbirth can undoubtedly take their toll on a woman’s physique. In fact, carrying a baby for nine months can impact a woman both physically and emotionally.

As a trusted provider of mommy makeover procedures in and around Princetown, NJ, we’ve created this piece to offer some information to consider when opting for a mommy makeover. Continue reading