Category Archives: tummy tucks

6 Benefits of a Tummy Tuck

If you are one of the many people struggling to lose unwanted fat, then you understand how frustrating it can be. Stomach fat can be especially difficult to get rid of, whether it’s the result of hormonal changes, pregnancy, or simply aging. The good news is that you don’t need to live with unsightly stomach fat. You can look into the benefits of a tummy tuck instead.

At Gabay & Gottlieb Cosmetic Surgery, we provide a wide range of cosmetic surgery procedures, including breast augmentation, in Bucks County. We are a trusted name for those seeking cosmetic procedures, including liposuction, rhinoplasty, and of course, tummy tucks.

The professionals at Gabay & Gottlieb Cosmetic Surgery understand that if you want to get rid of that tummy fat once and for all, a tummy tuck can be the perfect solution. A tummy tuck removes extra fat and creates a flatter stomach. Want to learn more? Our staff provides tummy tucks for interested clients, and we’ve got six benefits for you to consider. Here’s a look at some of the advantages of tummy tucks that patients will experience following their procedure.

Removes Stretch Marks

Stretch marks are created when your connective tissue is stretched beyond the limits of its elasticity. Essentially, your skin is stretched to the point of overwhelming itself, which causes tears that form into horizontal lines on the skin.

While there are countless brands of creams and lotions on the market that claim to have the ability to erase stretch marks, the truth is that their benefits are questionable at best. The removal of fat through a tummy tuck procedure remains the most efficient way to remove those resistant stretch marks once and for all.

Improves Posture

It doesn’t take too much investigation to figure out that carrying excess weight can weaken your abdominal muscles. In addition, the extra weight can contribute to a condition referred to as “swayback.” This condition results in unnatural curvature of the back, combined with softened abdominal tissue. In addition, swayback can also create back pain that makes performing daily activities more difficult.

Any back pain that you might have experienced before will also be alleviated thanks to the abdominal muscle tightening. This means that you’ll be able to stand up, sit down, and go about your daily life without any soreness in your back — that’s just one of the many health benefits of tummy tucks!

Makes Clothing Fit Better

Even people who have an easy time losing weight might find that some fat still remains in their abdominal area. If you feel like you are at a relatively healthy weight but still unhappy with the stubborn fat deposits around your midsection, then a tummy tuck can help.

Skin laxity and fat can make your clothes feel tight and uncomfortable, even if they fit around your hips and bust. Sometimes, after experiencing significant weight loss, you’ll find that loose skin simply doesn’t shape your new body contour appropriately. After a tummy tuck, you’ll discover that your midsection is slimmer and smoother — your clothes will simply fit better and look better, too.

Addresses Ventral Hernias

One of the major medical benefits of a tummy tuck surgery is how it can correct a ventral hernia. These occur when the intestine or abdominal tissue break through a fragile abdominal wall, creating a noticeable bulge in the skin below your abdominal area. Weakened abdominal tissue can be caused by losing a significant amount of weight, a C-section delivery, an appendectomy, and other factors. Ventral hernias will place uncomfortable pressure on your skin and can cause great discomfort when stretching or bending your body.

With the help of a tummy tuck, patients can have their ventral hernias corrected and their subsequent pain relieved. The surgical procedure will create more support for the weakened abdominal muscles and, in turn, lessen the pressure on your skin. In addition, another one of the notable benefits of a tummy tuck is that strengthening abdominal muscles can help prevent future hernias from happening.

Decrease Stress Urinary Incontinence

The benefits of a tummy tuck procedure also extend to those suffering from stress urinary incontinence (SUI). This bladder-control problem occurs when a large amount of pressure is placed on an individual’s urethra and bladder, resulting in uncontrolled urine leakage when laughing, sneezing, or during similar actions. Women can develop SUI after delivery, but some men can experience it as well.

Tummy tucks have proven to be an effective method of relieving individuals with SUI. By raising tissue up from the pelvic area, a tummy tuck can reduce the symptoms of SUI and help patients live a more normal life. In addition, tummy tuck benefits older individuals in a similar manner. By removing excess fat around the abdominal area, older patients can have better control over their bowel and bladder function.

Enhanced Overall Health

On top of all the significant benefits of tummy tucks, the procedure will improve your overall well-being in a number of other ways. For example, the reduced amount of fat and skin can decrease the risk of sleep apnea, gallbladder disease, and numerous other medical conditions. Having improved core strength will also make certain exercises easier to perform, making any physical activity less painful and more enjoyable. Not to mention, individuals will want to retain their improved appearance following a tummy tuck, prompting more exercising and gym excursions — just be sure to wait until you’ve recovered completely from the procedure before engaging in any intensive physical activity.

Reach Out to Gabay & Gottlieb for Tummy Tucks and More

At Gabay & Gottlieb, we offer much more than just tummy tucks in Philadelphia. Our expert team provides mommy makeovers in Philadelphia and numerous other plastic surgery procedures. To learn more about the benefits of a tummy tuck and to schedule your appointment, contact us today!

A Few Important Facts About Tummy Tucks

Try to say abdominoplasty 5 times fast.

Having trouble? No worries, so did we. But fortunately for you, we don’t have any problems when it comes to providing our patients with abdominoplasty procedures! You might be more familiar with its colloquial term: The tummy tuck.

Today we’re going to explain the procedure in an attempt to tuck away any questions or concerns that you might have.

Tummy tucks are a great procedure, and many people get them for a variety of reasons. They can help in the wake of aging, pregnancy, hereditary weight gain and many other instances that could cause you to put on a few extra pounds. Weight gain can be frustrating, but it happens to the best of us, and fortunately there are procedures like tummy tucks that are extremely effective.

As Philadelphia’s go-to provider of plastic surgery, if you’re thinking about a tummy tuck, you can breathe easy knowing that there’s someone with ample experience nearby!

But are you unsure of what a tummy tuck is to begin with? Read on to learn more:

What’s a Tummy Tuck?

Simply put, tummy tucks thin out your abdomen by removing the extra skin and fat that build up in that area. In most cases, when it comes time to receive the surgery, we’ll give you a general anesthesia, then make incisions around your abdomen to remove all the excess fat and skin from hip to hip, and from approximately your pubic area up to your rib cage. In other words, we’ll remove all the fat from your entire stomach area.

Can Anyone Get a Tummy Tuck?

No! Mainly, if there’s a chance that you’ll want to become pregnant down the road, we recommend that you do not get a tummy tuck until after you’ve had your last child. Also, since abdominoplasties are a surgical procedure, they are only safe for candidates in generally good health. If you’re dealing with serious medical conditions, it won’t be smart to get a tummy tuck.

How Much Will It Hurt?

Like any other surgery, that depends. Our center aims to ensure that every recovery entails the least amount of pain possible. By following the surgeon’s orders to a T during recovery, you’ll be able to minimize recovery pain as much as possible.

There’s a lot more information you need to know about if you’re considering a tummy tuck. But as the premier provider of cosmetic surgery in Philadelphia, you can rest assured knowing that when you give us a call, we’ll be able to thoroughly answer any questions or concerns. We look forward to hearing from you!